

Milky candy

Milky candy

Crunchy balls

Crunchy balls

Bims pop

Bims pop


Choco Eclair

Fruits pop

Fruits pop

Milk Energy

Milk Energy

Menthe Noir

Menthe Noir

Royal water

Royal water

Bambina mix-fruits

Royal pac lollipop


Quantity Quality
100 pieces per box A maximum of sweetness with less sugar

Royal Pac candies

Milky Candies

Quantity Quality
50 pieces per packs cool in mouth and very sweet with less sugar

Royal Pac cheese

crunchy balls

Quantity Quality
100 pieces per box A maximum of crisp!

Royal Pac lollipop

bims pop

Quantity Quality
50 pieces per box A maximum of sweetness!

Royal pac chocolate lollipop

choco eclair

Quantity Quality
50 pieces per box Rich creamy

Royal pac lollipop

Bambina fruits pop

Quantity Quality
100 pieces per box A maximum of sweetness!

Royal Pac biscuits

Milk Energy biscuits

Quantity Quality
30 pieces per box A maximum of crisp!

Royal Pac candies

Menthe Noir

Quantity Quality
100 pieces per box A maximum of sweetness with less sugar!

Royal Pac Water

Royal pac water 75cl

Quantity Quality
12 pieces per packs Good for health and body building!

Royal pac Water

Royal pac water 50cl

Quantity Quality
12 pieces per packs Good for health and body building!

Royal pac water

Royal water

Quantity Quality
12 pieces per packs Good for health and body building!

Royal Pac lollipop

Bambina mix-fruits

Quantity Quality
50 pieces per box A maximum of sweetness with less sugar

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